Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Purpose and Mission
Frostburg State University affirms its commitment to a campus environment which values human diversity and respects individuals who represent that diversity. Fostering diversity and respect for difference is a fundamental goal of higher education, ranking among the highest priorities of this institution.
The purpose of the Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion is to foster a sense of community among students of all ages, economic classes, ethnicities, gender identities, races, religions, sexual orientation and national origins.
The mission of this office is to help students develop the skills they need to work effectively within our diverse community and the greater global community. The center also assists students in adjusting to the university environment and the local community. Successful students will demonstrate cultural intelligence and will be respectful and receptive to individuals of backgrounds and life perspectives that may differ from their own.
Report an Issue of Hate or Bias FSU Hate-Bias Incidents Policy Hate Bias Incident Report
To report incidents of hate and/or bias, please complete the hyperlinked form above.
For additional information and support, please contact the Office of Student Affairs at 301-687-4312 or
UCDEI Plan for Creating a Socially Just Campus Climate: Priorities 2021-2022
The Brownsville Monument
Tuesday, August 25th, 2020 Frostburg students, faculty, townspeople and Brownsville descendants gathered to memorialize the Brownsville/ Park Ave monument. Brownsville was a community nested in Frostburg, Md started by Tamar Brown and Elizabeth Jackson. Both were former enslaved persons who purchased and hoisted homes on neighboring lots. Soon the community grew as other previously enslaved people moved onto the land and grew their families. The locality lasted from the 1860's through till 1950's but Frostburg State University now exists where the town once stood.
While following the COVID-19 pandemic regulations, important community members leasers such as President Nowaczyk, Mayor Robert Flanigan, NAACP president and relative to Brownsville descendant Carmen Jackson as well as others spoke at the event acknowledging the severity of the expansion Frostburg State University made effected the residents and their generational legacy.
The memorial will not replace the town and the lives newly freed enslaved people made there but it is a step in the right direction towards active remembrance. Learn more about Brownsville and how to join the movement by visiting the Brownsville Project website.
Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Gianni Jones, Program Management Specialist
Robin Wynder, Assistant VP of Student Affairs